Maintaining peace in the family is especially
important for the health and well-being of children. If peace is not an integral part of your family structure it leads to problems within the family and outside of the family. Researchers have concluded that in order to raise a well-adjusted child, it is necessary to have a home-life that is non-threatening, where they feel comfortable
talking about problems.
- 1Learn to listen. One of the most important factors to keeping peace
in the family is to listen to one another. Keeping the lines of communication open is a great first step in maintaining peace in the family.
- 2Be open and try not to be judgmental of other family members. Being open promotes talking, which reduces
threatening feelings and promotes a sense of openness within the family.
- 3Bite your tongue. Make sure that you think about what you are about to say before you say it. It is often that sharp remarks lead to upset family members. It is important to review your words and your actions often. Children pick up quickly on whether or not you are concerned with your own behavior as well as theirs.
- 4Teach all members of the family to be kind to one another and others outside of the family. This promotes a sense of peace. Learn to refrain from verbally abusing members of the family. Verbal abuse is the most common type of abuse and is often never accounted as abuse. Instead of pointing out the faults of others, learn to point out their attributes and what makes them special. Learn to build up one another's self-esteem.
- 5Advise all members to show respect for one another, especially children. Teaching and showing respect for one another demonstrates positive relationships. Learn to honor each individual member of the family as an individual, and respect them as such. You must learn to treat all family members equally, but remember to consider individualism
when dealing with your family.
- 6Practice what you preach. Children learn best from observation and practice. You must live according to your own rules so children can see that the rules apply to everyone equally.( )
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